January 6, 2016

Niklas Lotz’s first YouTube video: “Nikis Poetry”

He recites a poem entitled “Uhrwerk des Lebens” (“Clockwork of Life”). After he posted a few videos of this kind, the YouTube channel “Neverforgetniki” is inactive between late 2016 and early 2019.

April 16, 2017

Contribution by Naomi Seibt to “Philosophia Perennis” on the subject of nationalism

Naomi Seibt is ntroduced by David Berger, who runs the Islamophobic site Philosophia Perennis: “At just 16 years old – she is currently graduating from high school – she has written such a mature and clever essay; you can hardly believe that she is still so young,” he wrote in the preface to her text.

July 5, 2017

The Identitarian Movement disseminates an interview with Naomi Seibt

An interview with Naomi Seibt on the topic of the New Right is advertised directly on the blog of the Identitarian Movement beworben.

September 13, 2017

Karoline Seibt calls for the election of the AfD

In an article posted on “Philosophia Perennis”, attorney Karoline Seibt, mother of Naomi Seibt, calls for the election of the AfD.

January 19, 2019

Contribution by Niklas Lotz to “Philosophia Perennis”

Niklas Lotz is introduced by David Berger as “a young author who is still unknown in the free media”. In the essay, Lotz formulates the following thesis: “Real freedom of expression only exists in Germany if you represent the mainstream opinion!”

January 28, 2019

Oliver Flesch interviews Niklas Lotz

Right-wing YouTuber Oliver Flesch posts a video entitled “Ein deutscher Held: Nachwuchsblogger ‘Neverforgetniki’ im Gespräch” (“A German Hero: A conversation with young blogger ‘Neverforgetniki’” ). The video is advertised on the “PI News” website. Flesch is involved in the immediate environment of the AfD: videos with him are distributed by the AfD-affiliated “Deutschland-Kurier”.

February 2, 2019

Niklas Lotz publishes his first political video

It is entitled “Wie Politiker und Eliten uns Bürger vergessen haben” (How politicians and elites have forgotten us citizens”.

Spring 2019

Niklas Lotz is not continuing his education

He says he lost his job at the Baden-Württemberg accident insurance fund because his opinions were not wanted. The employer tells us that he made the decision to drop out of the apprenticeship of his own volition.

April 17, 2019

Heiko Schrang interviews Niklas Lotz

On his YouTube channel “Schrang TV”, Heiko Schrang tells his subscribers: “Remember this name: Neverforgetniki”. He had already interviewed David Berger and Martin Sellner, the head of the Identitarian Movement in Austria using the same format. Schrang has been disseminating right-wing narratives and esoteric topics for years.

May 24, 2019

Naomi Seibt starts her YouTube channel

Her first video is a poem with which she claims to have “participated in a competition organized by the AfD (Nicole Höchst) on the subject of ‘courage’ in a political context”.

July 20, 2019

Brittany Pettibone (now Sellner) interviews Naomi Seibt

Brittany Sellner is Martin Sellner's wife. In Germany, the Federal Agency for Constitutional Protection categorizes the Identitarian Movement as a “case of suspected right-wing extremism”. Seibt’s interview, conducted in English, is entitled “Fighting for Germany”.

July 24, 2019

Oliver Flesch interviews Naomi Seibt

After “Neverforgetniki”, the right-wing YouTuber now also interviews Naomi Seibt. The title of the video: “Naomi Seibt live! Unsere neue Hoffnungsträgerin” (“Naomi Seibt live! Our new hope”).

August 2019

Youtube blocks the channel “Neverforgetniki”

Media attorney Joachim Steinhöfel represents Niklas Lotz’ case against YouTube and ensures that the block is quickly lifted again. Martin Sellner hows his solidarity with Niklas Lotz publicly, because his own channel is blocked by YouTube at almost the same time.

October 30, 2019

Niklas Lotz’ book “Mein Weckruf für Deutschland” (My Wake-up Call for Germany) is published

The book is released by Heiko Schrang's publishing house.

October 2019

Starting shot for “Hallo Meinung”

Niklas Lotz posts a video greeting “Hallo Meinung” (“Hello Opinion”) in which he assures his support. Bavarian entrepreneur Peter Weberis behind the initiative. He posts videos by citizens and, together with attorney Steinhöfel, calls for a boykott of public-service radio broadcasters.

October 10, 2019

Naomi Seibt participates in a live talk hosted by Oliver Flesch about the attack on the synagogue in Halle.

Among other people,Martin Sellner, Michael Stürzenberger (Pegida) and Lisa Licentia (YouTuber) participated in the interview The original video is no longer available on YouTube. According to the ZDF program Frontal21, Seibt says, among other things, in the video: “The German average consumer is at the very bottom, so to speak. [...] Then, somewhere in between, come the Muslims, and the Jew stands at the top as the most characteristic victim of oppression.” Confronted by reporters, she later said, according to the ZDF, that this was not meant as an anti-Semitic statement.

November 9, 2019

Michael Mross interviews Niklas Lotz

The video entitled “Niklas Lotz: Deutschlands jüngster Merkel-Kritiker packt aus” (“Niklas Lotz: Germany’s youngest Merkel critic comes clean”) is actually an appearance to advertise his book. Michael Mross is a former N-TV presenter and runs the “MMNews” portal. He and Heiko Schrang also know each other.

December 2019

Naomi Seibt travels to Madrid for the climate conference

Presence at the event of the German association EIKE and the Heartland-Institutefrom the US. Seibt becomes the face of the climate change denier scene and is introduced as a kind of antithesis to Greta Thunberg (the “anti-Greta”).

February 2020

Naomi Seibt is named as a guest at the AfD’s New Year reception in Münster.

The reception took place on February 7., 2020. The Münster website “Die Wiedertäufer“ (The Anabaptists) reported on the event.